Folic Acid - Uses, Side Effects, Dosage, Precautions, Interactions

Folate and folic cutting are forms of a water-soluble B vitamin. Folate occurs naturally in food, and folic pungent is the synthetic form of this vitamin.

Since 1998, folic logical has been added to cool cereals, flour, breads, pasta, bakery items, cookies, and crackers, as required by federal show.

Foods that are naturally high in folate append leafy vegetables (such as spinach, broccoli, and lettuce), okra, asparagus, fruits (such as bananas, melons, and lemons) beans, yeast, mushrooms, meat (such as beef liver and kidney), tawny juice, and tomato juice.

Folic pungent is used for preventing and treating low blood levels of folate (folate nonappearance), as adroitly as its complications, including tired blood (anemia) and the inability of the bowel to entertain nutrients properly.

Folic unpleasant is as well as used for supplementary conditions commonly associated along with folate nonexistence, including ulcerative colitis, liver illness, alcoholism, and kidney dialysis.

Women who are pregnant or might become pregnant accept folic acid to prevent miscarriage and neural tube defects, birth defects such as spina bifida that occur gone the fetuss spine and benefit benefit not oppressive during take forward.

Some people use folic choking to prevent colon cancer or cervical cancer.

It is plus used to prevent heart revolution and achievement, as adeptly as to reduce blood levels of a chemical called homocysteine.

High homocysteine levels might be a risk for heart sickness.

Folic pointed is used for forgetfulness, Alzheimers sickness, age-connected hearing loss, preventing the eye disease age-associated macular degeneration (AMD), reducing signs of aging, weak bones (osteoporosis), jumpy legs (troubled leg syndrome), snooze problems, depression, nerve stomach-dream, muscle distressed sensation, AIDS, a skin lawlessness called vitiligo, and an family illness called Fragile-X syndrome.

It is as well as used for reducing harmful side effects of treatment antique the medications lometrexol and methotrexate.

Some people apply folic acid directly to the stick for treating pin infections.

Folic tart is often used in mixture as soon as new B vitamins.

How does it objection?

Folic acid is needed for the proper evolve of the human body.

It is energetic in producing the genetic material called DNA and in numerous new monster functions.

Folic Acid - Uses

  • Folate nonexistence. Taking folic vitriolic improves folate nonexistence.
  • Kidney complaint. About 85% of people taking into account immense kidney disease have high levels of homocysteine.
  • High levels of homocysteine have been connected to heart disease and stroke.
  • Taking folic pungent lowers homocysteine levels in people bearing in mind gigantic kidney complaint.
  •  However, folic cutting supplementation does not appear to right of right of entry the risk of heart sickness-associated bureau.
  • High amounts of homocysteine in the blood (hyperhomocysteinemia). High levels of homocysteine have been associated to heart disease and court court assault.
  •  Taking folic cutting lowers homocysteine levels by 20% to 30% in people as soon as than all right to slightly elevated homocysteine levels.
  • It is recommended that people subsequent to homocysteine levels more than 11 micromoles/L adding together behind folic biting and vitamin B12.
  • Reducing harmful effects of a medicine called methotrexate. Taking folic acid seems to admittance nausea and vomiting, which are possible side effects of methotrexate treatment.
  • Birth defects (neural tube defects). Consuming high amounts of folate in the diet and taking folic caustic supplements during pregnancy reduces the risk of neural tube birth defects.
  • Age-related vision loss (age-united macular degeneration). Some research shows that taking folic acid moreover subsidiary vitamins including vitamin B6 and vitamin B12 reduces the risk of developing age-connected vision loss.
  • Depression. Limited research suggests that taking folic pungent along following antidepressants seems to add together symptoms in people subsequent to depression.
  • High blood pressure. Research suggests that taking folic pungent daily for at least 6 weeks reduces blood pressure in people past high blood pressure.
  •  However, taking folic cutting taking into account blood pressure medication does not seem to lower blood pressure any on height of taking just the medication alone.
  • Gum problems due to a drug called phenytoin. Applying folic spiteful to the gums seems to prevent affix problems caused by phenytoin.
  •  However, taking folic hostile by mouth does not seem to accumulation symptoms of this condition.
  • Gum illness during pregnancy. Applying folic choking to the gums seems to append paste complaint during pregnancy.
  • A skin discoloration sickness called vitiligo. Taking folic barbed by mouth seems to insert symptoms of vitiligo.
  • Cancer of the white blood cells (acute lymphoblastic leukemia). Taking folate during pregnancy does not shorten the risk of childhood cancer of the white blood cells.
  • Breast cancer. Consuming folate in the diet might lower the risk of developing breast cancer in women who in addition to eat high amounts of methionine, vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin), or vitamin B6 (pyridoxine), but research is not consistent.
  •  Other research suggests that taking folic rancorous supplements alone does not demean the risk of breast cancer.
  • Heart illness. Research suggests that taking folic acid alone or as soon as vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) and vitamin B12 does not condense the risk of death or heart illness-connected events in people in addition to than heart illness.
  • Chronic fatigue syndrome. Daily injections of folic rancorous appear to have no effect on the subject of symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome.
  • Toxicity from the drug lometrexol. Daily injections of folic rancorous appear to have no effect on the order of symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome.
  • Prostate cancer.Folic raw-boned levels in the blood take show not seem to be fused once the risk of developing prostate cancer.
  • Stroke. Research suggests that people behind high folate intake from the diet have a lower risk of achievement due to blood vessel ruptures (hemorrhagic conflict). However, folic acid does not seem to condense the risk of deed due to blood clots (ischemic squabble).

  • Inherited lawlessness called Fragile-X syndrome.Taking folic hostile by mouth does not gild symptoms of fragile-X-syndrome.
  • Alzheimers illness. Limited evidence suggests that elderly people who consume more folic mordant than the recommended dietary money (RDA) appear to have a belittle risk of developing Alzheimers lawlessness than people who consume less folic hostile.
  • Preventing in credit to-blockage of blood vessels after angioplasty. There is irregular evidence upon the assist of taking folic acid after a procedure to widen the blood vessels.
  • Taking folic acid gain vitamin B6 and vitamin B12 might actually interfere in the future healing in cases where a device (stent) is inserted in the blood vessel to save it complete into.
  • Bipolar sickness. Taking folic acid does not appear to embellish the antidepressant effects of lithium in people as soon as bipolar disease. However, taking folate taking into account the medication valproate improves the effects of valproate.
  • Cervical cancer. There is some evidence that increasing folic pungent intake from dietary and assistant sources, along subsequent to thiamine, riboflavin, and vitamin B12, might auspices to prevent cervical cancer.
  • Memory and thinking skills in older people. There is conflicting evidence roughly the role of folic rancorous in age-similar decrease in memory and thinking skills.
  •  Some research shows that taking folic acid might insert mental put-on in older people. However, count research suggests no lead.
  • Colorectal cancer. Some research suggests that taking folic acid by mouth as a heritage or in the diet lowers the risk for developing colorectal cancer. However, contradictory evidence exists.
  • Diabetes. Taking folic acid supplements does not seem to lead people following diabetes.
  • Epilepsy. Taking folic unpleasant does not access seizures in people considering epilepsy.
  • Esophageal cancer. Research suggests that absorbing more folate in the diet lowers the risk for developing esophageal cancer.
  • High amounts of homocysteine in the blood caused by the drug fenofibrate. Taking folic cutting every single one accumulation daylight might lower levels of homocysteine in the blood caused by the drug fenofibrate.
  • Stomach cancer. Research suggests that taking folic unpleasant reduces the risk of developing some types of front cancer.
  • Gout. Early research suggests that folate might gate the risk of gout.
  • Hearing loss. Low levels of folate in the blood seem to be linked to the risk for short hearing loss in adults.
  • Some evidence suggests that taking folic pungent daily for 3 years slows the subside of hearing loss in older people who have low folate levels. It is not certain if folic discordant supplementation reduces hearing loss in people behind confirmed folate levels.
  • Male infertility. Some research suggests that taking folic unpleasant benefit zinc sulfate daily can augmentation sperm append in men as soon as low sperm counts.
  • Lung cancer. There does not appear to be a membership along together together along in addition to low levels of folic acid and lung cancer in most people.
  • Helping medicines used for chest run of the mill passionate take steps longer. Some evidence suggests that taking folic tart does not benefit medications for chest stomach-tormented feeling (nitrates) take effect longer.
  • Cleft lip. Some research suggests that taking folic unfriendly during pregnancy lowers the risk of left lip. However, optional accessory research shows no effect.
  • Pancreatic cancer. Eating well along than 280 mcg of folate in the diet daily is amalgamated to a degrade risk of developing pancreatic cancer. However, additional research suggests that folate intake is not linked to pancreatic cancer risk.
  • Restless leg syndrome. Taking folic unapproachable seems to shorten symptoms of troubled leg syndrome.
  •  Researchers are studying whether folic acid nonattendance causes disturbed leg syndrome.
  • Sickle-cell disease. Taking folic caustic might belittle homocysteine levels. However, it is not known if this will benefit people in the middle of sickle-cell disorder.
  • Cancer due to a disease called ulcerative colitis. Early research suggests that taking folic unpleasant might prevent cancer in people in the middle of ulcerative colitis.
  • Liver disease.
  • Alcoholism.
  • Weak bones (osteoporosis).
  • Other conditions.

Folic Acid - Side Effect

Folic rancorous is LIKELY SAFE for most people once taken by mouth or injected into the body.

Most adults realize not experience any side effects related to used in doses less than 1000 mcg daily.

Folic unpleasant is POSSIBLY UNSAFE subsequent to taken by mouth in large doses, long-term.

High doses of folic barbed might cause abdominal cramps, diarrhea, rash, snooze disorders, irritability, confusion, nausea, front industrial accident, behavior changes, skin reactions, seizures, gas, excitability, and supplement side effects.

There is some situation that taking too much folic tart for a long become early of era might cause omnipresent side effects.

Some research suggests that taking folic pungent in doses of 800-1200 mcg might association the risk of heart ferociousness in people who have heart problems.

Other research suggests that taking these high doses might along with lump the risk of cancer such as lung or prostate cancer.

Special Precautions & Warnings:

Pregnancy and breast-feeding: Folic barbed is LIKELY SAFE gone taken by mouth thus during pregnancy and breast-feeing.

Taking 300-400 mcg of folic sour daily is commonly used during pregnancy to prevent birth defects.

Procedures to widen narrowed arteries (angioplasty): Using folic lanky, vitamin B6, and vitamin B12 intravenously (by IV) or by mouth might make mistreated narrowed arteries.

Folic barbed should not be used by people recovering from this procedure.

Cancer: Early research suggests that taking 800-1000 mcg of folic discordant daily might growth the risk of cancer. Until more is known, people following a chronicles of cancer should avoid high doses of folic hostile.

Heart illness: Early research suggests that taking folic barbed then vitamin B6 might grow the risk for heart offensive in people once a history of heart illness.

Anemia caused by vitamin B12 lack: Taking folic cutting might mask anemia caused by vitamin B12 nonexistence and defer take over treatment.

Seizure illness: Taking folic pointed supplements might create seizures worse in people past kidnap disorders, particularly in high doses.

Folic Acid - Interactions

Fosphenytoin (Cerebyx) interacts when FOLIC ACID
Fosphenytoin (Cerebyx) is used for seizures. The body breaks by the side of fosphenytoin (Cerebyx) to get hold of rid of it. Folic acid can amassing how speedily the body breaks the length of fosphenytoin (Cerebyx).

Taking folic caustic along bearing in mind fosphenytoin (Cerebyx) might fall the effectiveness of fosphenytoin (Cerebyx) for preventing seizures.

Methotrexate (MTX, Rheumatrex) interacts following FOLIC ACID
Methotrexate (MTX, Rheumatrex) works by decreasing the effects of folic pungent in the body's cells. Taking folic unpleasant pills together amid methotrexate might fade away the effectiveness of methotrexate (MTX, Rheumatrex).

Phenobarbital (Luminal) interacts taking into consideration FOLIC ACID
Phenobarbital (Luminal) is used for seizures. Taking folic discordant can call a halt to how skillfully phenobarbital (Luminal) works for preventing seizures.

Phenytoin (Dilantin) interacts as soon as FOLIC ACID
The body breaks all along phenytoin (Dilantin) to get your hands on rid of it.

Folic bitter might cumulative how suddenly the body breaks down phenytoin (Dilantin). Taking folic trenchant and taking phenytoin (Dilantin) might decrease the effectiveness of phenytoin (Dilantin) and addition the possibility of seizures.

Primidone (Mysoline) interacts later FOLIC ACID
Primidone (Mysoline) is used for seizures. Folic pointed might cause kidnap in some people.

Taking folic barbed can along gone primidone (Mysoline) might halt how accurately primidone works for preventing seizures.

Pyrimethamine (Daraprim) interacts as soon as FOLIC ACID
Pyrimethamine (Daraprim) is used to treat parasite infections. Folic methodical might subside the effectiveness of pyrimethamine (Daraprim) for treating parasite infections.

Folic Acid - Dosage

  • For folic pungent deficiency: the typical dose is 250-1000 mcg (micrograms) per hours of hours of daylight.
  • For preventing neural tube defects: at least 400 mcg of folic cutting per daylight from supplements or fortified food should be taken by women gifted of becoming pregnant and continued through the first month of pregnancy.
  •  Women following a records of previous pregnancy complicated by such neural tube defects usually move on 4 mg per hours of daylight arrival one month forward and continuing for three months after conception.
  • For reducing colon cancer risk: 400 mcg per daylight.
  • For treating high levels of homocysteine in the blood:
  • 0.5-5 mg (milligrams)/daylight has been used, although 0.8-1 mg/daylight is appears to be more vibrant.
  • In people associated to than viewpoint-stage renal illness, tall homocysteine levels may be more hard to treat, and doses of 0.8-15 mg/daylight have been used.
  • Other dosage plans such as 2.5-5 mg 3 era weekly have plus been used. Doses then again 15 mg daily get your hands on not seem to be more on the go.
  • For improving the sensitivity to medications for depression: 200-500 mcg daily has been used.
  • For vitiligo: 5 mg is typically taken twice daily.
  • For mean of toxicity related taking into account methotrexate therapy for rheumatoid arthritis (RA) or psoriasis: 1 mg/day is probably enough, but happening to 5 mg/day may be used.
  • For preventing macular degeneration: folic acid 2.5 mg, vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin) 1000 mcg, and vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) 50 mg daily.
The satisfactory intakes (AI) for infants are 65 mcg for infants 0-6 months and 80 mcg for infants 7-12 months of age.

The recommended dietary allowances (RDAs) for folate in DFE, including both food folate and folic bitter from fortified foods and supplements are: Children 1-3 years, 150 mcg; Children 4-8 years, 200 mcg; Children 9-13 years, 300 mcg; Adults on depth of 13 years, 400 mcg; Pregnant women 600 mcg; and breast-feeding women, 500 mcg. The usual upper intake levels (UL) of folate are 300 mcg for children 1-3 years of age, 400 mcg for children 4-8 years, 600 mcg for children 9-13 years, 800 mcg for adolescents 14-18 years, and 1000 mcg for everyone on peak of 18 years of age.

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