How to Stop Hair Fall From Temple Area Of The Scalp

Thinning and falling hair is an annoying and unpleasant condition. Especially, when it starts in your temples, and simple things like putting your hair on any other side of the head becomes a matter of concern.

Many people suffer from Temple hair loss, in fact, it’s the first sign of going serious hair fall and baldness. But understanding hair loss and its causes can provide a lot of solution.

What is temple hair fall?

Temple hair fall is the thinness of hair in the temples. Although such hair loss is common in both men and women, it is characteristic of the Male Pattern Baldness, where hair thinning starts on temples rather than the top of the head. However, if you If you are losing hair in the temples, then it is likely that you are losing hair from the top of your head as well. Temple hair loss can take place just one side too.

Cause of Temple Hair Loss

More often than not, hair loss in temples is a genetically inherited condition. In some cases, this is also due to the overuse of hair extensions, wearing tight hairbands and hairstyles which puts exertion o the hair. Due to other health conditions like PCOS, thyroid levels and hormonal imbalance can also cause such hair loss.

Treatment of Temple Hair Fall

1. Coconut Oil

  • Heat coconut oil for a few seconds until it becomes slightly warm.
  • Massage the oil in your head for about 15 minutes while focusing on the temples.
  • Once your skull is fully covered, spread the oil to the length of your hair.
  • Let the oil rest as it is on scalp for 30 minutes.
  • Wash with a mild sulfate-free shampoo and with cold/lukewarm water.
Repeat this treatment 2-3 times a week.
Coconut oil has fatty acids which penetrate deep into your scalp and hair, nourishing and conditioning them. It helps in promoting child development, while scalp health improves in its antimicrobial properties.

2. Cinnamon Honey Potion

  • In a small bowl, take 2 tbsp of powdered Cinnamon.
  • Add 1 tbsp Honey and 2 tbsp Olive oil in cinnamon powder and mix them together.
  • Start applying this mixture to your scalp and hair.
  • Once your scalp and hair are covered, leave the hair mask on for 40 minutes.
  • Wash off with a mild sulfate-free shampoo and cool/lukewarm water.
Repeat the process twice every week.
Cinnamon contains choline, potassium, and vitamins A, B, and E, which promote hair growth and also hair regrowth at the temples of the forehead. Olive oil helps condition your hair while honey acts as an emollient, binding moisture to your scalp and hair.
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