How To Use Black Seed Oil For Hair Regrowth

How To Use Black Seed Oil For Hair Regrowth

Hair fall is a problem which almost everyone would have experienced in their lifetime.

However, most of us desire to have a thick, long and lustrous hair, especially women.

It’s a fact that everyone loves to have healthy and thick hair, since it plays a pivotal role in defining one’s look. You might have heard a lot about on black seed oil benefits.

In this article, we will show you how to use black seed oil for hair regrowth.

Causes Of Hair Loss

Various factors that lead to hair fall include Physical stress, Lack of protein, Male pattern baldness, Hereditary factors, female hormones, emotional stress, anemia, hypothyroidism, vitamin B deficiency, autoimmune related hair loss, dramatic weight loss, chemotherapy, Use of Antidepressants, blood thinners, and more.

In addition, Hectic lifestyles, un healthy eating habits, pollution, use of cosmetics and adulterated hair care products are also to be blamed for hair loss.
Hair fall is an issue that is almost impossible to avoid completely.

However, there are plenty of ways by which we can reduce the intensity of hair fall.

We are not talking about the chemical cosmetics, which eventually will lead to side effects.

Well, in this article, we will show you an effective and natural ways to cure hair fall using black seed oil, And also we will show you how to use black seed oil for hair regrowth.

It is completely normal to lose between 50-100 strands of hair every day, anything more than that can be a serious matter of concern.

Fighting this issue at the early stage itself can help to curb the problem, and also help to regrow the lost hair.

Why Use Black Seed Oil For Hair Regrowth?

Numerous scientific studies conducted on black seed oil have proven that, use of this seed is one of the most efficient ways to tackle hair loss.

This is mainly due to the thymoquinone content in it. Black seed oil has been used in India and Arabian countries since ancient times, for its numerous health benefits.

And in the modern era, it is only now beginning to become more well known. When digging into the history we could find that, some of the most prominent figures lived in the ancient times, including kings, queens, and other ancient rulers relied heavily on black seed oil for many of their common ailments.

To gain its miraculous benefits all you need to do is start using them right now. We will show you how to use black cumin oil for hair growth and baldness.

How To Use Black Seed Oil For Hair Regrowth

Directions of use

Pour little black seed oil into your palms. Rub both your hands against each other to warm it up. Start massaging the oil into your scalp.

Focus more on the scalp rather than hair. Repeat that above steps, until your scalp is sufficiently covered in oil.

After that, you may also work the oil through your hair from the root to the tips. Leave it on for about an hour or so.

Later wash off the hair and scalp thoroughly with a regular shampoo. Repeat this 3 to 5 times a week for best results. Massaging the scalp so often with black seed oil can really help to stimulate the hair follicles and enhance hair growth.