Grow Beard Faster Naturally

We all can agree that a Dashing Beard is a symbol of masculinity and power.

Although a clean shave smooth facial skin has it’s own attractive charm, many men still prefer the bold manly look with beards.

Men love their beard, and their beard growth can come in various patterns and styles.

Men do a lot of efforts to get a perfect and stylish beardEven Historically, the beard is considered a symbol of power.

The thick and dense beard is attached to the strength of men. Increasing the beard can be a happy rule of anyone’s life.

Not all men know the easy ways to boost beard growth.

However, there are some ways that you can increase the pace beard growth slightly at any age.

The growth of the beard and its thickness will depend on your age and genetic.

There are many ways that you can increase the beard naturally at a faster pace than usual.

Grow Beard Faster Naturally:

1. Identify your Beard
2. Exfoliate you facial Skin
3. Nutrition for Beard Growth
4. Moisturize Your Facial Skin for Faster Beard Growth
5. Exercise and Meditation

Myths and Facts about Beard Growth:

1. Maintain the Shape and Length:
2. Brush your beard:3. Use beard oil:
4. Wash it regularly:
5. Conditioning:
Below we have listed 5 ideas that can help you grow a good-looking dense beard at your will.

The growth pattern and quality of hair on your beard may vary depending on your genetics and body hair growth pattern.

Though these tips can help you overcome all the troubles you might face while growing a classy beard.
First, let your beard grow naturally as it comes. Do not shave or trim your beard for 30 days to 45 days, let the beard hair come as it may.

This growth will help in identifying the natural pattern of facial hair growth.

You will be able to see the quality of your facial hair, natural thickness and also if you have dense even growth or your beard has patchy growth.
Long grown facial hair on beard is very similar to the hair we have on our scalp. Once you have identified the growth pattern and quality, move on the next step.
Exfoliating your skin is an important step to boost the growth of facial hair.

Exfoliating your skin helps in remove clogging from skin pores and prevent ingrown hairs.

It also removes dead flaky skin cells and excess oiliness from the skin.
Buy a men’s skin Exfoliating cream – take some of the cream in your palms and gently massage your skin with it for a minute.

After scrubbing, rinse it off with lukewarm water.  Exfoliate your skin regularly at 4-5 days interval.
Benefits that come from Exfoliation are not limited only to the surface of your skin.

Exfoliation improves the blood circulation under the skin. Proper blood circulation provides nutrition to hair follicles and stimulates faster hair growth.
When you start growing a beard, the small and patchy growth may look unattractive at the beginning.

But remember – A single hair strand has a life span of 3 to 4 years. It gives your enough time to nourish it and grow thicker and longer.
Hair, as we know is basically a strand made of proteins, and vitamins help in keeping it strong.

Start eating a balanced diet rich in protein and vitamins. Vitamin B1, B6, and B12 are beneficial for boosting hair growth.
Along with the healthy diet, you can also take Omega-3, multivitamins and biotin supplements.

These nutrients are known to help the growth of hair and nails. You can take these as beard growth supplements.
It is vital to keep your skin moisturized while trying to grow a beard. Skin that is not moisturized properly will make your beard rough and dry – trust me; you don’t wanna look like a homeless with a rough unclean beard.
While many essential oils such as coconut oil, rosemary oil have tremendous skin moisturizing properties, men prefer to use Eucalyptus oil.
Simply take few drops of Eucalyptus oil on your palm and massage your facial skin with it for a minute.

Make sure to spread the oil on your cheeks, chin and mustache area evenly.

Leave the oil on the skin for at least 20 minutes so it gets absorbed deeply.
However, there is no concrete evidence available which attributes Eucalyptus oil for promoting hair growth.

Some people say it works and many will disagree.

Men prefer to use the oil as it doesn’t have a flowery smell and there is no harm in using it for beard growth.

Using Eucalyptus oil helps in retaining the moisture in the skin and improves the texture of beard.
Exercising helps in maintaining the blood circulation in the body and managing the hormone levels as well.

While growing beard, do exercise your facial muscles.

Full body and cardio workouts induce sweating through the skin. Sweating of facial skin is good for beard growth as sweating cleanse the skin pores from inside.
Meditation and yoga keep you stress-free. Stress and impatience can interrupt the hormone levels in your body and affect hair growth.
Rogaine is the brand name of a cosmetic hair growth & hair thickening medicine.

This medicine can be prescribed to a patient suffering from severe hair fall or baldness symptoms. The active component of Rogaine is Minoxidil.
Minoxidil does help in hair growth on the scalp, but using it on the sensitive and fragile skin is not advisable.

There haven’t been any clinical trials done on Rogaine‘s effects on facial skin and it is not approved by FDA or any other Healthcare organization.

Rogaine should not be used as beard growth cream.
Using Rogaine on facial skin can result in undesirable result and skin damage.
Myth: Shaving regularly can thicken the beard hair. 
Fact: Shaving does not improve the thickness or strength of hair strands. The thickness of hair strands depend on hereditary factors, nutrition and aging. You can improve the thickness and texture of hairs with healthy nutrient rich diet. Also, as you age older, thickness of hair gets changed significantly. Normally, a teenagers body will grow thin temporary beard hairs, but the beard hairs will become thicker as he grows in age.

Myth: Testosterone helps in growing dense beard. 
Fact: The reduced level of Testosterone and other hormones can cause hair loss and damage the hair quality. But when it comes to beard growth, testosterone doesn’t have any direct link with hair follicles. Each hair follicle perform individually and grows regardless of testosterone levels in the body.
Once you have done all the tips discussed above, you will be able to grow a thick and dense beard within 30 days.
But growing beard is just half of the story. You will have to maintain your beard and keep it healthy. Follow the tips below to take proper care of your beard:
When it comes to beard care; maintaining it’s shape and length is the first and most vital step.

Trim it to the length & shape you desire. Longer the Beard, the tougher will be to take care of it.

Choose the shape and length that complements your face shape and personality.
Brushing ensures that you don’t have any dirt or skin flakes in your beard.

Brush your beard in a downward direction, you don’t want to stab your lady partner with your beards. Brushing also prevents tangling of hair strands.

Beard oils keep the hair healthy and moisturized. Take a few drops of your beard oil and rub it on your bread growth.

Make sure to apply the beard oil on the roots of the hair. Beard oils give a clean classy look.
As discussed earlier, beard hair is not very different from your scalp hair – and just like scalp hair, you need to wash your beard at regular intervals.

Wash the root to remove dandruff and unwanted pollutants. Washing beard removes dirt and excessive oils from it and makes the hair smooth.
Use a good quality hair conditioner and slather a thick layer of it on the beard strands. Conditioning beard will give the glam-full shiny looks.
Beards are a real jewel for men’s grooming. Growing a beard can be a little tough and time taking process but the joy and pride of having a full grown beard are otherworldly.

Make sure to take proper care of your beards as it is an expensive asset.
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